#henry ian cusick


Hey everyone! Thought I would quickly share some of the stuff thats happened, the MILESTONES we hit and some of our ideas! (2 email templates and all the emails are also included!)

1. WE HIT 8.3K+ SIGNATURES ON OUR PETITION! (still have a long way to go but we are celebrating the small victories)

Here is the link if you haven’t signed it yet:http://chng.it/TqcQnsFssJ

2. WE SENT CBS 162K PAPERCLIPS (and counting)!!!


We are planning the next round to be a bulk run of sorts so I’ll keep you informed on that once we have the details figured out!

3. We now have a poster of sorts that you can share on various platforms like Instagram/ Facebook/ Tik Tok etc with the petiton to get a hold of more people!


4. Some of the cast, crew and writers have showed their support:




Tristin liked a bunch of tweets from various fans:


David aka our  MURDOC shared this:


Lucas however has remained quiet which is understandable considering he is the lead of the show and he must be on thin ice with CBS ever since he spoke up about the harassment and environment on set last year.

Mama Till however has been more than making up for it!


4. We are still sending emails to any and all CBS officials we can find!

Here is the list: (ill keep updating as we find more!)

These are all the CBS Execs I could find: here’s the main info link

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

This list is the Paramount+ Execs who you can write an email to, to ask *politely* to pick MacGyver up for their platform. Also tell them about all our efforts so far! Petition, paperclips etc!

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Here is an email template that you can copy and paste with some changes to help you send more emails faster!

the _ indicates the place you can customise! also feel free to create your own templates and share it! ill add them on here too!


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am one of the many fans who has watched MacGyver over the past _ years and the show means a lot to me. As a fan I request you to kindly renew MacGyver for season 6. We as fans deserve closure. It’s the least CBS can do for us after watching MacGyver for _ years consistently only to cancel it for no apparent reason.

-We didn’t get a full 5th season (only 15 episodes unlike Magnum that got 16)-Monica Macer, the new showrunner, was finally taking the show in a great direction. 

-MacGyver has been winning its Friday night slot despite going against ABC’s Shark Tank. 

-One of the only shows on CBS with so much representation.

-We were only 6 episodes away from hitting 100, not to mention syndication.

-One of the most popular ships on TV right now- MacRiley also hasn’t had a chance to shine yet.

-There are so many more stories to tell.

*state a few reasons why you love the show and wont stop fighting for it HERE*

I could go on all day but it boils down to the fact that we haven’t got the farewell we deserve. MacGyver isn’t being treated fairly despite being one of the best shows on your network right now. 

Please reconsider this decision or at least give the cast and crew 6 more episodes to wrap the story in a way that fans can be happy with. 

Here is a petition that was started a _ days ago and we are already at _K+ signatures: https://www.change.org/p/cbs-save-macgyver

We have also collectively sent more than 160K paperclips to your LA office and we dont plan on giving up anytime soon.

We do not intend on stopping the fight for our season 6 renewal.
We deserve better so please reconsider.

Attached with this email is _ (maybe the screenshot of your paperclip order/any artwork to save the show/a letter or postcard you sent etc thats shows the amount of effort you put in)

You may also check #savemacgyver on Twitter and other social media platforms to see the real size of our fan base.

Thank you.


This is another email that was written with a focus on the shows representation that you can use as well:


Dear Mr/Miss_, 

I am writing this email to ask you to reconsider the decision to cancel MacGyver. As an avid watcher since day 1, I hope you can imagine my devastation when I read of the cancellation. 

Honestly, I am very surprised you would cancel a show which has won its timeslot consistently and faced greater competition than other shows facing only news programs.

These past 5 seasons have seen the show go through many challenges but yet still remain successful. This says a lot about the quality of the show and the fanbase loyalty. 

I am sure you are aware but let me list a few: 

1. Numerous showrunners 

2. Toxic working environment 

3. Shortened seasons 

4. Lack of promotion

It was a breath of fresh air when you hired Monica Macer to finally steer the ship the right way, but for some reason you have decided she doesn’t deserve a chance to show what she can do.

 You say representation matters, but a show with a diverse cast including a transgender woman and a woman of color as a showrunner doesn’t survive? This seems very contradictory. As a dedicated fanbase, we will not go down without a fight. 

As you can see, we have petitions garnering a lot of signatures and have the #savemacgyver hashtag trending constantly. 

There are other shows performing poorly on your network yet they rate a renewal. In addition, shows like NCIS: New Orleans and Mom receive an opportunity to film their series finale to do the show justice. 

Macgyver, however, doesn’t receive the same treatment. We are only a handful of episodes away from the 100 mark. 

We ask that you reconsider and allow MacGyver to come back even for half a season to give the show a proper sendoff. 

I understand a lawsuit is probably at the heart of this, but it has no merit or you can just change the name. In a time of civil unrest, discord and in the face of a pandemic, family shows are important and MacGyver served as an escape for so many. Please reconsider your decision.

Thank you.


5. Live Twitter Watch Parties:

This is the poster for the one happening in a few hours! We’ll most like have these at the same time everyday! (if you are unable to tweet live you can schedule tweets too!)


6. We have been reaching out to other fandoms and celebrities/YouTube personalities and will keep you posted on how it goes! 

If you know of any personalities/organizations that can help please contact them with everything we have achieved so far and politely ask them to sign or share our petition as we could use the help! also if possible reach out to the other awesome fans in the other fandoms you are a part of and ask them to sign the petition too!

Nick Worthy posted this on his INSTAGRAM!


So that is all for the updates! We are working on a possible GoFundMe page to set up a billboard, a way to bulk order paperclips and duct tape, a video campaign etc!

If you have any other ideas PLEASE dm me with it! Also if you have photos of postcards/letter/packages you sent CBS dm it to me too and ill add it to the campaign video!

As alway keep sharing and getting people to sign our petition!
